When did you launch?
October 2019
How and why did you come up with the idea?
SCRACTHING MY OWN ITCH. The long story short is that I couldn’t find a natural deodorant that worked well for me so I decided to try and make one myself. After coming up with the formula I’ve just been chasing the PITT BALM snowball down the hill since then.
‘I couldn’t find a natural deodorant that worked well for me so I decided to try and make one myself.’
What barriers / obstacles did you have to overcome and how did you do it?
This question would require an essay answer. There are obstacles literally every day and my job as Founder and CEO is to get around or over them on a daily basis.
What is different about your product and brand?
We are the first deodorant brand to offer refills in the UK and we are fully focused on a low/zero waste solution for cosmetics. Our ethos drives our business decisions and we put planet before profit wherever possible.
What are your plans for the future?
Again, another essay answer – we hope to move into other product lines later this year and help to revolutionise the cosmetic experience.
‘We are fully focused on a low/zero waste solution for cosmetics.’
Are you looking for funding / investment?
Yes. I can send you my bank details if you’re interested!